Batteries: “Made in Europe 2030”?
Navigating the end of the oil age and the transition to a future powered by renewable energy, signifies a profound change of our global energy systems and the vehicles we drive.

To fuel this shift, there is a great need for a steady supply of sustainable raw materials and batteries.
There have been significant investments in the battery value chain in Europe the last few years, but trying to catch up with China is difficult and many industrial newcomers have struggled.
Furthermore, Europeans are heavily dependent on the import of critical and strategic minerals and rare earth elements. Norway plans to help that situation with developing new mineral deposits in the most sustainable way possible. However, starting up new mining operations is not an easy task.
We will discuss the urgency and opportunities in politics, finance, employment, and technology at a global level. China has succeeded with their “Made in China 2025” plan. Can Europe do the same by 2030?