Vice President of Electrification and Connected Services
Nissan AMIEO

With nearly 20 years at Nissan, Guillaume is a French national with a strong background in sales and marketing and an extensive experience of European markets.

He has spent half of his Nissan career at Nissan’s Europe and AMIEO ( Africa, Middle-East, India, Europe and Oceania) headquarters in Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France, and in Rolle, Switzerland, working within the Sales & Marketing; Strategy & Business Planning; Product Marketing; and Corporate Strategy & Planning departments. The other half of his career has been spent in field operations at three different regional business units including various roles across Europe such as Marketing Director, Nissan West Europe (France and Netherlands), Portugal Country Director, Managing Director of Nissan Center Europe (Germany, Switzerland and Austria) and Commercial Director of Infiniti Europe.

His current remit enables him to play a key role in leading the electrification of AMIEO region as well as supporting the company to empower mobility globally. This is a key pillar of Nissan’s Ambition 2030 vision, driving towards a cleaner, safer and more inclusive world. In relation to connected services, Guillaume’s remit involves structuring and organising the AMIEO region so that Nissan is able to efficiently specify, design and deliver services around the vehicle, with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Guillaume Pelletreau_corporate