The Bellona Foundation

Christian Eriksen is Head of Policy and Research at The Bellona Foundation. He has led the work on energy issues in the Oslo office, involving the transition to clean energy, finding the most suitable applications of different energy carriers, ensuring new production, developing necessary framework conditions for infrastructure, and improving overall resource efficiency.

Beyond pure energy issues, Zero Emission Construction Sites has been a specially prioritized topic. Working together with the municipally owned public developer Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF, Bellona has succeeded in moving ambitious emissions cuts far up on the agenda, also politically. This is a case of creating ambitions, contributing solutions, and opening a space for action for both politicians and industry.

Christian holds an MSc in Industrial Economics and Technology Management from NTNU. Before joining Bellona he worked as a power market analyst at Pöyry, modelling Nordic and European markets, and he has worked as a journalist for major Norwegian newspapers.
