Annie Pin ()
ALD Automotive
Annie Pin is the CEO of ALD Automotive in Norway and proud to live in the country with the highest penetration of EVs in the world. As her 7 year old son tells her regularly, “there should be no reason for driving anything but electric”.
Annie is also the global sponsor of the EV program of ALD Automotive, working as a “green” ambassador in the leading Fleet Management company in Europe. With more than 1.6 million cars managed by ALD in 43 countries, the potential for transformation is huge!
“Finance players are usually on the more conservative side, as financing EVs involves taking residual value risk”, says Annie. But she believes the transition to new ways of consuming mobility – EVs but also car sharing, pay per use and of course autonomous cars – is only a question of time… And it will come faster than we think!
Initially coming from Paris, Annie has spent the last 10 years of her life in the Nordic countries and comes with more than 15 years experience in the finance industry. She has a Master of Political Sciences from Sciences Po and an MBA from Essec Business School and is Chairman of the Board of the French Foreign Trade Council in Norway.